
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wonderful weekend



     I had one of the most wonderful weekends in a long time. I had the opportunity to participate in Women's Conference held in Tallinn. This was taken care of someone who wanted me to be there. I am sure God was in it and gave someone heart to help me in paying for this. All of it was covered and I believe it was God using someone to bless me. Cause I really needed this weekend.
I have been feeling down and lonely for a long time and my hopes for the conference were to get some new fresh air in me.
The women who cam were from different countries and nations and it made it so special. Because God united all of us there to be a blessing to each other and encourage and love one another. I knew nobody going there. I knew Janice and I knew Beth would be coming but that was all. So already the first day of conference (for me a first day for others second day) one lady came to me asking where I am from and so the discussion lead us to become friends. She is from The Netherlands and I think God sent her to me and she told that to me as well, That God had put that into her heart to come and talk to me. Awesome what can I say. And that she is originally from Indonesia.. place that has been in my dreams, in my heart ever since my school task on doing a research for two countries and Indonesia was one of them. This truly made me happy to meet someone from there and someone who follows Christ.
So my first friend at the conference was her!!
This was already the first nice thing during my time there.
Also different topics we talked about. I will share some of it with you so you would know what it was about. The topic was Spiritual Balance.

So on Friday we talked about Balance.
Psalm 93; 104
Habakkuk 3:20
Proverbs 14
Do we really trust God. He is the best to look for our heart, to give us life.
Slow down, be still and wait for the Lord. This is something I struggle with especially when I see people who are doing something extra interesting or cool and something I would love to do. Then very often I attend to make plans or start thinking oh this is something I would love to do I wonder what I can do to start as well. Also with places where people go often after I hear I start thinking how wonderful it would be for me to be there as well and then I just hope this is what's going to happen in the future. But not really. My plans are far away from God. I have to stay still and wait for Him to tell me what is for me.
I start a illusion. But God loves me way too much for that.
What we talked about also was how God sometimes uses the devastation's or broken dreams in our life to help us. This I have got to feel on my skin. How my dreams have been shattered but for a greater purpose in my life I must believe.
What the lady talked about or said was that People are sometimes sent to shatter our dreams so we would see there's something wrong with our soul. How this spoke to me. This is what I have felt these last months. Shattered dreams. But God has wanted to show me that something is wrong with my soul and I have to let this be fixed. Otherwise I will be in the darkness for a long time. And Soul is something we have to keep.. if we loose our soul then we have nothing left. Nothing matter anymore.
It is also much easier to deal with others pain than our own. But he gave His life so we would know God loves us. And the pain was supposed to be on Jesus. Jesus helps us to carry our burdens.
 God is not using us to squeese the last drop out of us. We have to tell Him about our sadness, dreams, dissapointments. Give God all your burdens , open yourself as a child, giving all away to Him.
In the darkest moments He is the closest to you. So welcome trials in your life, God works deeply through them in you.
We are created to be around one another, but sometimes we are too proud, shamed to speak.
And when we start to serve we pray to God: Give me Love for those people. We can go to a sertain point, after that God comes and goes on.
Every day you must make decisions, to trust God!
In God we trust.

Also an awesome letter that was shared with us.

1 Pete 5:7
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for You"

A letter from God

Good Morning!
This is your Father speaking.
Did you sleep well?
I hope you did!
There is no need for you to worry or loose any sleep, although I do not sleep or slumber. Today I will be handling all of your problems. However if life happens to deliver a situation that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it on your own. I will do that.
Just remember: I do not need your help!
Please put it in the box marked SFGTD (Stuff for God to do)
Once the matter is placed in the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to resolve it yourself. This will merely delay the resolution of your problem. I will address it in my own time, not yours. Rest, my dear child, and if you need me at any time, simply call me up. I am just a prayer away!
Have a nice day.

I love you.


We talked about words.
God said and this happend. We are similar to God. We can build up and also tear down. Who doesn't sin with tounge is capable of watching their body.
What we have in our heart comes out by words.
Take lead in your thoughts, not by tounge but by your mind, thoughts.
Who loves life and wants to see good days will hold his toung.
The Bible is asking us to pray, to pray for others. They say that 2 years in your life you learn how to speak and the other 60 years you learn how to pray.
Do good to those who hate you.
Colossians 3: 23-24
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving!"

 So this was part of the conference I had a chance to witness!! What a great Joy to be His daughter :)