
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hello my dear,

I haven't posted is a long time and I am sorry for that. There is actually so much to say about all that has been happening in my life and how Generous God has been, how loving and the best care taker, He is with me!!
I am just gonna breafly say that God took care of my school intuition and noh he Will help me with outreach fees! He Loves me and I do not deserve that, but I am still loved, worth it or not, cause Jesus died for my sins!

I wanted to write about my trip to US, it was loooooooong but I made it, safely!
This time I will also write in Estonian, because there might be some people, who prefer their own language:)

So it all started in ESTONIA, TALLINN, August 28 and it all started and hour later than it should have!
So my first flight was late in Tallinn already and it made me think if I will make it to the next flight or not. Estonian air was very nice though, a small airplane but since the flight was only about 2h to Paris, it was no biggy! But when we landed in Paris I only had about 10-15 min to catch my flight and I knew I also had to check-in again to get my next ticket.. I don't know why they did that, but I knew there is no way I am gonna make it. And I knew it already before knewing how Huge the airport in PAris is.. Good that I wasn't wanting to run and try to catch my flight. SO I had to get a next flight to TX but the people at the service said I will have to fly through another state because there is no more straigt flights to TX. I got a flight through Atlanta, Georgia and I had about 2,5h before that flight.
Getting to the right place was hard, because like I mentioned, Paris airport is Huge!! I almost got lost and I had to ask for directions fiew times, but I made it, to get to the right place I had to get on a fast train, like the underground one, that took me to the right place. Btw did you know that even Paris airport after going through the security is like a fashion city.. they had a lot of high fashion brand stores and it looked like a huge mall somewhere nice! I was not even wanting to go in there and see what they sell, cause if I like something I know I would not be able to afford it, ever.. probably!
But waiting for my flight was good, I even got to be online for 15min, before I had to start paying for my internet time. So that gave me a chance to tell Courtney and Ralph that instead of 2pm I will be in Houston airport 23:05 !
My flight to Atlanta was quite nice. We had a nice big plane and I was seated under the window and there was no neighbours next to me, so I had space to get comfortable!
Flight to Atlanta was 9,5h and I was able to sleep a little bit, enjoy one meal on the plane, that was eatable, and watch two movies and a tv show! The last snack/meal was not so good and I think my tummy was not happy to eat it, and because I was in the air for so long I started feeling a bit sick as well.
When I made it to Atlanta and passed the security and thought oh I get to go to my gate pretty easily, I was wrong. Instead of going to pick up my luggage and checking it in again I was escorted to a box, made out of glass. I wasn't alone.. the guy who escorted said I have to go there and wait until they call my name, he did not say why I was sent there..scary huh?..
Well when I got in there there was quite a lot of people, also one guy from France, who was on the same flight with me, not one of them looked calm, or happy. I tried really hard not to think anything negative or be look scared, but inside I was! I had no idea what they will ask me or what happens next. I was basically the last one they asked to come out and talk to the security. They asked my why I was there, why for so long, and some other questions. I showed them my school letter so that saved me from talking a lot.. because I was sceared and couldn't get the words out at the beginnign, but after they checked my luggage, told me I can be in the States only 6months, telling me how good my english is that I sound like a valley girl, and telling me that they don't want to catch me working, also that I have to leave the country before 6months to be able to finish my program, and fly home, not stay here, I was able to go..!!! I was able to get to my gate and I still had enough time to grab something to drink&eat ! I was so releaved. I also saw the guy from France and he was very happy as well. I bet.. Anybody who goes through 30min of not knowing what is going on and being scared they will be sent back, will be happy when walking freely at the airport and waiting for the next flight!
From Atlanta to Houston, the flight was short but I was out! I slept the whole time, opened my eyes only for twice, I was just so tired of everything, I didn't even want to fly, but I had to. Seeing Houston in night lights made me happy to be there, to be in TX and not to worry about flying for another 2weeks!
Now I am here in TX, in Bryan, writing you a letter at 5AM, time when I should be sleeping, but I am not.. I think it might be "airplane tiredness" ha ! Well I am happy and blessed and loved!
God took good care of me while travelling!
Thank you everybody who supported me and prayed for me! Prayer's where heard !

Reis USA’sse:
Algas minu jaoks Eestist, 28 August ja lõppeb siis Texases õhtul kell 23:05. Lisaks sellele tuleb veel Bryan’isse ka jõuda!

Tänane päev on olnud väga pikk!
Lennujaama jõudes ei olnud mul veel tunnet, et lähen reisile, täitsa tavaline olek oli. Lisaks sellele meie lend hilines umbes tund aega, kuna nad ootasid teiselt lennult tulevat stjuuardessi. Seega jõudsime Pariisi tund aega hiljem ja ma jäin automaatselt maha oma järgmisest lennust Houston’isse.
Pidin minema siis custom service’isse, et broneerida uus lend Texasesse. Neil oli pakkuda lend, mis läheb läbi Atlanta, Georgia ja jõuab Houston’i lennujaama kell 23:05.
Lend Atlantasse algas väga hästi, kuid lõpp vajus juba käest ära, sest olla lennukis 9tundi järjest ei ole kõige mugavam ja lõbusam tegevus. Ma isegi tundsin, nagu mul oleks paha olla, umbes nagu bussi või laevaga sõites. Tundub, et ma ei talu väga pikki reise!
Jõudes siis Atlantasse, mul polnud õrna aimugi, mis mind ees ootab.
Minnes läbi security’st ei saanud ma kohe edasi liikuda lennujaama sisse, kõigepealt, mu pass pandi kollase äärega läbipaistvasse kilekotti ja paluti minna lähedal oleva töötaja juurde, kes mind siis pidi edasi eskortima. Alguses ma mõtlesin, et okei kuna olen international, siis nad ehk hoolitsevad mu eest ja saadavad mu õigesse kohta, kuid tegelikult see ei olnud nii, ma mõtlesin küll, et miks mu pass pandi sellisesse kotti ja varsti sain ma aru miks.
Nimelt mind saadeti siis kõrval asuvasse läbipaistvasse poksi, kus olid ka teised inimesed peale minu. Tundus, et nad kõik oleksid sattunud pahandustesse ja nüüd nad siis pidid ootama mingis eraldatud boksis, et teada saada, kas nad üldse saavad siseneda Ameerika riiki.
Seal boksis oli ka üks minuga samalt lennult tulnud prantslane. Ta ei paistnud väga rõõmus olevat. Ma muidugi seostasin seda kohta automaatselt ühe filmi olukorraga, kus briti tüdruk sisenedes Ameerika riiki, viidi ülekuulamisele, kuna ta oli eelnevalt oma visa ajast üle olnud. Ning minu boksi juures oli ka investigation room või noh ülekuulamisruum, intervjueerimisruum!
Mu süda peksis kõvasti terve selle aja seal oodates ja kuulates kuidas mõningad inimesed juba endast välja läksid ja vastavat kõnepruuki kasutasid.
Ma tundsun nagu on võimalus, et ma ei pääsegi USA’sse ja see ajas mind segadusse ja pani kartma. Ma üritasin kõigest väest siiski rahulikuna püsida, ja mitte paista ärritunud. Kui ma olin seal juba näinud enamus inimesi ära minevat, siis tuli ka minu kord minna turvatöötaja juurde, kes laua taga istus ja vastata küsimustele. Nimelt minult küsiti minu siinviibimise põhjust ja rääkides, et olen vabatahtlikuna programmis nimega YWAM , oli mul hea meel, et olin koolipoolt vastava kirja kaasa võtnud. Kui nad küsisid, et kus ma inglise keelt olen õppinud, siis nad olid imestunud, et see on saavutatud Eestis olles, kuna ühel turvatöötajal olevat sõber eestist, kelle inglise keel on vene aksendiga. Minu puhul seda ei olnud muidugi, nad ütlesid, et olen nagu Valley girl, mida iganes see peaks ka tähendama! Ha..
Edasi palusid nad mul tuua ära oma kohver ja minna sellega edasi järgmise mehe juurde, kes pidi minult samuti küsimusi esitama ja veenduma minu kohvri sisus. See oli natukene naljakas, kuidas se mees võttis lahti mu kohvri ja uuris läbi mu kõik asjad, seega ta nägi ka minu isiklikke esemeid, mida tavaliselt  võõrastele ei näidata (aluspesu jne). Sama tegi ta ka mu seljakoti ja booklet kotiga. Samuti ta küsis, kui suure summaga ma reisin, sest rahakotis mul ju raha ei olnud, kuid ta oli rahul, nähes mu suurt „rahakukrut“. Seejärel pidin minema sama mehe juurde tagasi ja ta pani mulle templid igalepoole ja ütles, et võin Ameerikas viibida ainult 6kuud, peale seda peaksin lahkuma, kuid see peaks toimuma ennem kui 6kuud läbi saab ja seejärel tagasi tulles minema mingisse kontorisse, kus ma saan pikendust. Kuid ta ütles, et kui see programm läbi saab, siis tuleks ikka koju minna peale seda!
Samuti lisati, et ma ei tohi töötada, et they don’t want to catch me working, I got that !
Andes passi tagasi, saingi tulema, nüüd ootan oma lendu, sest mul on veel aega. Tahaksin väga Starbucksi minna ja ühe kohveiini laksu osaliseks saada :D
Süüa tuleb ka, sest lennuki toit, mis meile viimasena veel anti, polnud just kõige parem, maitsvaim!
Njäm lähme siis USA burxi sööma :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This week that I had was just amazing!
I was able to participate this event called Shine, held in my capital city, Tallinn!
Week full of ministry, workshops, youth festival, fellowship, international people and God!
Every day we had something new and every day I felt more closer to God, and I was more inspired to take time for Him, to talk to him to worship Him!
I just want to tell you what happened in my life during this week!
First of all, prayer room: we had this cool room for people to sign up for an hour or more, to go in there, take time off from shine and just pray. Pray for our nation, the people we are going to meet, the speakers, the other youth who were there, pray for ourselves, have a good time of fellowship! It totally worked. I was able to take more and more time for God, and I just loved it. The more I went there the more I yearned for Jesus!!
Then being brave and going on a outreach in the city. We had to choose one location where we wanted to serve our community and I chose beach outreach.. but it came out it was not a beach, it was a park, where people were relaxing and hanging out. We had to divide into groups and then while one group was praying for the people in the park and for another team, that team had to go to people and show them pictures. And whenever they were willing to take time off to see the pictures they were asked to show what pictures would go with their life at the moment or a situation they're in at the moment.
Our team was able to talk to fiew people and ask them questions and invite them to our events. I think I wanted to talk to them more about Jesus, God but at that moment I didn't have the words to speak out. I just prayed that those hearts would be opened for Jesus, so that He can take over!
Also meeting some youth from diffeent countries, who speak totally different language, but yet we have one GOD, one saviour, JESUS. The week I spent with those youth I felt so shy a lot of times. Kinda like all my courageness was taken away and I was a lot of times very shy thorwards people and meeting new people. I don't know what happened to me but I think it might have something to do with me getting to spend more time in a prayer room because of that!
I was able to meet some wonderful people though who I will miss and who I will remember, pray for and thank God for!
I also heard a new way of worship. Whenever we had evening events in Freedom square, there was a band, I call it a worship band, because I was truly able to worship God and hear their testimonies through rapping and singing! I felt touched by God several times, when listening to them and I am so thankful to you God for that!
And then also, during this week, something incredible happened to me, twice!!
First time, when God spoke to me this week was during a worship song, when I was praying to God and I was so into worshipping him, suddenly a lady I did not know came to me and told me she had a prophecy from God to me.
She started telling me how much God loves me and He has heard my cries, my tears and He has made me golden shoues to walk in and he will send me out to serve Him.
I started crying, GOD spoke to me through a person I did not know, but who was a servant of God. I was overwhelmed by joy and tears and happiness, I didn't know what to say but to hug her and thank her for coming to me because she was the answer to my prayers. God spoke to me!! He must love me.
Then second time God spoke to me was on our last day, end of our week when we had prayed over the countries and the people from different countries..first of all I want to tell you how amazing that was, we made a bridge out of our hands and the people from different countries started walking through it as we blessed them and after that we prayed for their country. We did that with every country participating  Shine week, and I tell you, that was a blessing to pray over those people and their mission in their homeland!
Then after that it happened: A girl I also did not know came to me and said: I was praying with some girls and while we were praying I somehow saw you surronded by kids. I don't know why I saw that but I thought I should come to you and say that!
I was shocked, Again!! I just sat down and stared at the floor.. what is up with God, He really wanted to talk to me. I was really amazed how much God can love me, me who I really don't deserve His love, but yet, He loves me so much, that I am to die for!!

This was my week in Tallinn!!
After this week my prayer has been to be a blessing in someone's life. I really want to walk with Christ every day, nothing is better in this world than God's love for me and my relationship with Him, my Abba!!
Praise the Lord for being so Good to me !!

Love you,