
Saturday, May 25, 2013

The girl who didn't speak

I met  her in India. She totally stole my heart. And it only took her a day to do so..
Here is why :

" If you would see me running down the street, full of energy and attitude, making faces as I run past you, you wouldn't be able to say that I can't hear almost anything and that I'm actually very sweet and gentle. I'm pretty good at hiding it, aren't I ?
But if you would play with me or show me your music player, you would have me in your lap and showing you how to use this device. Without using words of course. Because then you would notice that I'm different from other kids. I don't speak, nor can I hear what you say. It's almost like playing game of quietness, I like it!!
  But I love the attention, I get upset when other kids steal it from me. I will stare them down and show everybody how upset I am by walking away..
If you're clever, you know how to make me want to sit with you again. I'll give you a little hint: Your interesting and surprisingly flat music player. You have to show me that you want to be my friend. You have to work on our friendship. And if you win me over, you'll have my friendship forever, or until the next time you see me again.
   But the day is not over jet, we still have nap time. So come & lay down next to me. Give me your hand and I'll show you what I would like for you to do. Put your finger on my palm and watch what I do. Gently make slow circles and trace my fingers, touching every fingertip one by one. Please don't stop and I promise I will fall asleep soon. I will snuggle with you till nap time is over. And before the day is over I will climb up your feet while you sit on the bench and make you laugh by dancing on your lap!
I will give you a big hug and disappear fast, hoping to see you tomorrow again.
I'm the girl who doesn't speak. I am being raised by many women and I live in the brothels. "

Looking back on my trip..

This is a little something from my diary, enjoy
(sorry if some of it sounds weird, it's taken out of my diary and it is written here as it was written in that moment, with all the feelings and thoughts I had)

Giving bread to sleeping street kids

Today we’re going out on the streets early in the morning when it’s still dark, to give out bread to the sleeping street kids. We’re about ready to walk out of our rooms already feeling the cold that’s coming in from the outside. It makes me think about the kids who actually had to stay outside with God knows what kind of sleeping stuff..

It wasn’t what I waited for. When we got to town we didn’t see a lot of kids sleeping everywhere. There were specigic places where they would sleep. On our way to find them, we saw 2boys who our leader knew. He stopped to greet them and so did we. He tol dus that they will come with us and when we find a place that sells bread and chai, we’ll buy it for them. Another boy joined us as the kids were calling him. He had his sigarette still in his hands as he came closer to us. They didn’t speak a lot of english but that was ok. Our leader knew enough english to translate the important things. We got each boy cup of chai and a „donut bread“. As they all sat down in the alley, we watched them eat and smile. You could see how thankful they were to reveive their bread and something hot to drink. We asked their names and how old they are. I was taking pictures and didn’t hear the answer but I was told that the youngest was about 14 and the oldest 17years old. But they all looked too short and little to look the age they told us. They also said that they have been on the streets for about 7years so I imagine that it would be hard to tell your exact age. I can’t imagine how their life is from day to day. And when they have the month that is the coldest, having to sleep on the street when having almost no warm clothes to wear.
I love though how one boy licked his peanut butter like ice cream. You could tell he liked it as he made noises and faces while eating it. Garett gave each one more.

As we said our goodbyes and went on our way to find more kids, we walked up to this old gate. Our leader said that people sleep inside that garden, where allt he trash was. He showed us the little sleeping area that was made out of trash. It was sad to see how this little place was next to a very beautiful and big house. And you can see that everywhere you go. Slums are bulit next to very beautiful houses..

When we entered the gate we walked into a house, an open house where we saw 4boys sleeping on the floors, all covered by blankets, only feet showing. One of the boys woke up fast and it was almost awkward to watch him, he smiled and walked behind the corner. The other one woke up for a second but went back to sleep. They stayed there for a little bit but they all started waking up slowly.. I felt so awkward just watching them as they woke up and had sleepy faces on. I wonder what they felt..
We waited for the guy who owned the place to set everything ready. His wife started cooking and one of the boys started the fire for us. They invited us to sit closer by the fire to warm our hands. We felt more for the boys who had woken up in the cold and let us sit by the fire. They were so humble. As we all sat closer, the food got ready. We paid the house owner for the food made for the boys. We were told that they can sleep there but they have to collect plactic bottles in order to earn their sleeping place. But breakfast isn’t included. We sat quietly and watched them eat. They were smiley but also tired. Garett gave peanut butter „to go“ to them as well. He actually gave each 2. They didn’t eat them right away but asked what they were.

  We asked this time as well what their age was. 2 of them were 18years, one 16, and the other 14years old. We didn’t speak much to them but I enjoyed their company. I hope they didn’t think of us as just tourists who wanted to do good and take pictures in return.
We again said our goodbyes and said „ jeimase “, leaving them with smiles on our faces and theirs.when we got on the streets I got suddenly sad. Because I consider them as my brothers now and it was hard to leave them. At the same time I am happy, thankful that there is somebody who will continue to visit them and share Christ’s love for them.
I will try to remember to pray for them..
I believe we’re also getting better in buses and finding out way back. It was a good morning and we’ll go to men’s rehab center soon after lunch time. Just enough time to finish my message on Father heart of God, wash my hair, take a short nap, and go..

Better later then never

These are only some of the pictures from our time in Nepal and India! Every person on this picture means something to me!! I will post stories separately! Enjoy :)