
Monday, September 10, 2012

Prayer request!

My dear friends,

I ask you to join me in prayer. Since I've been here in Texas, everything has been so wonderful. All my friends have been so nice to me and so caring! It is so hard for me to sometimes understand the love God wants to show me through my friends!
There is just one little thing that is bothering me.. after talking to my friend about what is bothering my heart, she told me to post this here so people could pray for me.
So I turn to you my friends, please pray for me as I will be leaving for YWAM, Madison, this coming Sunday, pray that I can overcome these little obstacle's I have with my visa.
When I made it to the customs in Atlanta, they had told me I can only stay here in the US 6months at a time, and because I came 2 weeks earlier, my visa will end about 2 weeks before my training program will end in Madison. I wrote my school about that fact and they told me it is ok if my visa will end before, that I would get enough credit to finish the program and turn home earlier then everybody else. Hearing that, made me so sad. I really had hoped for a different ending to my program here in Wisconsin, and it was hard for me to see that I might have to return home earlier, unless... after spending time out of the States for a month or so (before my 6 months is over), and on my return, visiting this office, I might be given an extentsion. But this might not be happening.

So my prayer is that God would do a miracle, I really want to stay here until the program is over. And I pray for trust in Him, that if He brought me here, he won't bring me back before my time is over. Though I don't know what God has planned for me and maybe returning home earlier is part of His plan in my life..
Please pray with me that whatever happens with the Visa,
#is it a miracle that I can stay here until the program is over, go back to Texas and spend a bit more time with friends, then return home;
#or leaving the program earlier then others,
that I would still bring glory to him, in everything, in every situation!

Thank you for being supportive and thinking about me and praying over me!
I am so blessed to have my brother's and sister's in Christ!


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