
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I have never had my personal space that is only for me and I don't have to worry of showing my emotions showing how I really feel and not being worried if I am too loud or if I am disturbing others.
I have days where I just dream what it would look like etc. And sometimes I think I would do whatever it takes to get there.
It comes and goes.. but I guess it is very hard on those "bad days". And then I get the feeling I am not pleased or I am just overacting a little too much.
I don't want to be selfish but sometimes I just wish I have this place I can go to and not worry about others, I can be who I am and express myself freely.

Dreaming is nice! But I also have to keep one foot down on the ground otherwise I start living in this dream and it will stop me from realising things more important than this...

Good night my little notebook

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