
Friday, November 4, 2011

How Happy I am

Hello my dear blogger!

I just wanted to share with you how blessed I am to know Christ and people who belong to Him. He has blessed me and taken good care of me.
These last weeks have been crazy with babysitting my kids and preparing myself for the possibility of opening a daycare. Well today is Friday and once again I feel good and happy I get to rest from my busy week. I love children and I know there is something I have to do with them in the future but God hasn't really showed me what exactly I need to do.
I will wait on Him !!

But I want to share that God has blessed me with a new computer recently and He used his awesome team to do that for me. So all of my friends who were apart of this.. once again. AITÄH TEILE :)

here is the first video I made with my new MacBook !

" But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear" 
Matthew 13:16

Thank you
Bye Bye!! 

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