
Sunday, November 27, 2011


I almost forgot to write about my little adventure I recently had.
I had this amazing opportunity to go to Spain. I went there on the 17th of Novemebr and got to spend the weekend over there. It was my first time to be in Spain and I absolutley loved it.
When I already got to the airport I was so excited and nervous about flying because it felt like Summer of TX all over the place. this excitement and body shaking feeling was with me this time as well. I knew I am going to SPain but I guess I felt like going to TX again. I wish..
It was very cool to be on a plain again and fly. Even though my stomach was soooo emty the whole flight time and I didn't want to buy anything on the plain because of the cost of food.. So I just tried not to think about the food.. it almost happened.. I ate one cornbar and it was yummy to my tummy.
So my time over there.
I got to Spain and it was absolutely beautiful, the city and the buildings in it and the people who made it so alive with cars and motorbikes and scooters and talkers..loud talking all the time :D
My first night I was just all over the place with my eyes hooked on buildings and passing people. I didn't even mind walking to my hotel/hostel. It took a long time but I didn't really care. It was just breath taking and love everywhere!

I got to visit a lot of cool places and got fooled by a local/indian guy.. But I didn't care that much.
I mean the parrots and the palm trees and the houses and the parks and the people and the weather and the sunshine and the mountains and the stores and the fruits and the streets and the beach.. it all covered that little incident with that guy at the beach with his coconuts.
I took a lots of pictures and bought some yummy stuff. They even sell frozen joghurt..not as good as Spoons one but I was happy to have some. Also oreos they have and some other american stuff.
Ohh wow. To think back about my trip. I felt so nice and calm and relaxed over there. Kaili was kinda like my tour guide taking me to places and I am so grateful for her being there and showing me so much. Thanks to her I visited La Sagrada Familia and it was just Amazingly beautiful. All the details of that building just made me wow all the time I was admireing that place. We didn't go in because of that LONG line and i didn't really have money to buy the ticket. But even from outside it was gorgeous so I bet it looked amazing from inside.
Also one of my favourite places was park Güell. The houses and that park with amazing overlook for the town and mountains you could see surrounding that beautiful city. We even climbed one.. smaller one but still high enough to see the entire city.

People..locals where also something I really enjoyed.. the fact they don't really speak english was challenging and exciting. I got to use all of my spanish skills from movies I've watched as a kid. Just made me laugh a lot of times..

Hopefully I get to upload a lot of pictures soon!
I will say this again: I love Barcelona
and am so thankful to God who helped me to get there and who took good care of both of us :)
Love you

Barcelona was Beautiful and I said A lot of times. I'm in love with Barcelona.
I saw international college and thought about going there already. I made all kind of plans to go back and stay there for at least 2months. Well maybe someday. But only if it's not only me who wants to go there. If I have the yes word from God to go there.

Getting closer

   Well today we are one step closer to Christmas and I actually forgot that today is when we light our first candle and it has always been a big thing for me personally. Since I was a kid I was somehow apart of this event.. lighting our first candle and countind down the weeks til Christmas day.
When I was a kid I remember how we had this angel thing..where you could place four candles and then the angels started to move in a circle and make a beautiful sound...
    Now I am not a kid anymore and things have changed, but not the holiday feeling and the feeling of waiting for something to come.. As a kid ofcourse you wait for the presents and getting your stockings filled with candies by Santa's little helpers.. I will put my stocking on a window to continue the childhood fun but not because of the candies.. maybe for one or two.. :)
But anyways my point is that how wonderful it is to step into a Chirstmas-time. I love the atmosphere arount my hometown.. all the christmas lights and decorations on windows. The joy of snow (even though we are still waiting on our snow) and people being happy. I wish this would be all the time but I think there might be a special reason why this is the way it is.. Because know it or not it is the joy of our Christ who's Birthday is coming. Our saviour who was born on earth. I am waiting on that selebration to come.
And even though everything is not so wonderful all the time and I have been struggling a lot and putting this fake smile on my face for people.. I am not fake-smiling over Christmas. It is the time of the year when I get to see my dear papa coming to Estonia and also one of my favourite seasons .. Season of Jesus Birthday :)
So to my blogger: I wish you a happy and lovely time of Christ.mas !

Have a blessed day my dear

Friday, November 4, 2011

How Happy I am

Hello my dear blogger!

I just wanted to share with you how blessed I am to know Christ and people who belong to Him. He has blessed me and taken good care of me.
These last weeks have been crazy with babysitting my kids and preparing myself for the possibility of opening a daycare. Well today is Friday and once again I feel good and happy I get to rest from my busy week. I love children and I know there is something I have to do with them in the future but God hasn't really showed me what exactly I need to do.
I will wait on Him !!

But I want to share that God has blessed me with a new computer recently and He used his awesome team to do that for me. So all of my friends who were apart of this.. once again. AITÄH TEILE :)

here is the first video I made with my new MacBook !

" But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear" 
Matthew 13:16

Thank you
Bye Bye!! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wonderful weekend



     I had one of the most wonderful weekends in a long time. I had the opportunity to participate in Women's Conference held in Tallinn. This was taken care of someone who wanted me to be there. I am sure God was in it and gave someone heart to help me in paying for this. All of it was covered and I believe it was God using someone to bless me. Cause I really needed this weekend.
I have been feeling down and lonely for a long time and my hopes for the conference were to get some new fresh air in me.
The women who cam were from different countries and nations and it made it so special. Because God united all of us there to be a blessing to each other and encourage and love one another. I knew nobody going there. I knew Janice and I knew Beth would be coming but that was all. So already the first day of conference (for me a first day for others second day) one lady came to me asking where I am from and so the discussion lead us to become friends. She is from The Netherlands and I think God sent her to me and she told that to me as well, That God had put that into her heart to come and talk to me. Awesome what can I say. And that she is originally from Indonesia.. place that has been in my dreams, in my heart ever since my school task on doing a research for two countries and Indonesia was one of them. This truly made me happy to meet someone from there and someone who follows Christ.
So my first friend at the conference was her!!
This was already the first nice thing during my time there.
Also different topics we talked about. I will share some of it with you so you would know what it was about. The topic was Spiritual Balance.

So on Friday we talked about Balance.
Psalm 93; 104
Habakkuk 3:20
Proverbs 14
Do we really trust God. He is the best to look for our heart, to give us life.
Slow down, be still and wait for the Lord. This is something I struggle with especially when I see people who are doing something extra interesting or cool and something I would love to do. Then very often I attend to make plans or start thinking oh this is something I would love to do I wonder what I can do to start as well. Also with places where people go often after I hear I start thinking how wonderful it would be for me to be there as well and then I just hope this is what's going to happen in the future. But not really. My plans are far away from God. I have to stay still and wait for Him to tell me what is for me.
I start a illusion. But God loves me way too much for that.
What we talked about also was how God sometimes uses the devastation's or broken dreams in our life to help us. This I have got to feel on my skin. How my dreams have been shattered but for a greater purpose in my life I must believe.
What the lady talked about or said was that People are sometimes sent to shatter our dreams so we would see there's something wrong with our soul. How this spoke to me. This is what I have felt these last months. Shattered dreams. But God has wanted to show me that something is wrong with my soul and I have to let this be fixed. Otherwise I will be in the darkness for a long time. And Soul is something we have to keep.. if we loose our soul then we have nothing left. Nothing matter anymore.
It is also much easier to deal with others pain than our own. But he gave His life so we would know God loves us. And the pain was supposed to be on Jesus. Jesus helps us to carry our burdens.
 God is not using us to squeese the last drop out of us. We have to tell Him about our sadness, dreams, dissapointments. Give God all your burdens , open yourself as a child, giving all away to Him.
In the darkest moments He is the closest to you. So welcome trials in your life, God works deeply through them in you.
We are created to be around one another, but sometimes we are too proud, shamed to speak.
And when we start to serve we pray to God: Give me Love for those people. We can go to a sertain point, after that God comes and goes on.
Every day you must make decisions, to trust God!
In God we trust.

Also an awesome letter that was shared with us.

1 Pete 5:7
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for You"

A letter from God

Good Morning!
This is your Father speaking.
Did you sleep well?
I hope you did!
There is no need for you to worry or loose any sleep, although I do not sleep or slumber. Today I will be handling all of your problems. However if life happens to deliver a situation that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it on your own. I will do that.
Just remember: I do not need your help!
Please put it in the box marked SFGTD (Stuff for God to do)
Once the matter is placed in the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to resolve it yourself. This will merely delay the resolution of your problem. I will address it in my own time, not yours. Rest, my dear child, and if you need me at any time, simply call me up. I am just a prayer away!
Have a nice day.

I love you.


We talked about words.
God said and this happend. We are similar to God. We can build up and also tear down. Who doesn't sin with tounge is capable of watching their body.
What we have in our heart comes out by words.
Take lead in your thoughts, not by tounge but by your mind, thoughts.
Who loves life and wants to see good days will hold his toung.
The Bible is asking us to pray, to pray for others. They say that 2 years in your life you learn how to speak and the other 60 years you learn how to pray.
Do good to those who hate you.
Colossians 3: 23-24
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving!"

 So this was part of the conference I had a chance to witness!! What a great Joy to be His daughter :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I have never had my personal space that is only for me and I don't have to worry of showing my emotions showing how I really feel and not being worried if I am too loud or if I am disturbing others.
I have days where I just dream what it would look like etc. And sometimes I think I would do whatever it takes to get there.
It comes and goes.. but I guess it is very hard on those "bad days". And then I get the feeling I am not pleased or I am just overacting a little too much.
I don't want to be selfish but sometimes I just wish I have this place I can go to and not worry about others, I can be who I am and express myself freely.

Dreaming is nice! But I also have to keep one foot down on the ground otherwise I start living in this dream and it will stop me from realising things more important than this...

Good night my little notebook

Monday, September 12, 2011

Awesome job opportunity

I have to write this down.

Me and Kairi we had this amazing opportunity to take care of kids in one wedding. This lady who got married I knew her before. I looked after her precious kid twice while she was out of Estonia.
I must say that I fell in love with this boy... Sisterly love I mean!! He is really an awesome kid and he told me I am his sister now. I had so much fun with him and I miss him already.
   Deal is that after her mom got married to a wonderful guy from Isreal they moved to Ingland. But the process was long for her to even marrie this guy. She had to become jew. (not sure if this is written right)
So about the wedding. I am still so happy that she asked me to help her with that part. I remember how she emailed me saying she is getting married and would like me to come and do something with the kids.
At first she told me there's going to be 25 kids and I should get some help with that. So the first person in my mind was Kairi from the beginning I wanted to do this with her the most but at first she wasn't sure if she's still here at that time. But I am so happy that she was.

SO we planned the wedding.. and the more we talked about it the more I got exited about it. The closer we got with the date the more nervous and exited we got. We also found out that there is only 14 or less kids and that made us kinda happy. To think about it..25 is a lot to handle..
We got our budget and we started getting stuff for the program. As we got closer and getting a lot of ideas for our costumes and games it went so quick that we were left with one week. Ohh my. I so remember that last week we had time to do the stuff and get costumes. So exiting and a lot to do.

On the wedding day we got up early in the morning to do hair and make-up. I think it took us from 7.30-12.00 AM  to get both of us ready and on the road. I was so nervous because we knew we will be late for the wedding party.
What made it worse was that we got lost and we dindn't have the GPS with us... bummer!!
But with the help of the wedding guests we got there and everyone were SO exited and happy to see us. Of course we looked so cool and everyone just stared at us!! I must admit we did look awesome and I still miss that make-up. I told Kairi I wish I could have this on my face every day. She did an amazing job on our faces and she helped me to do hers as well.

So the party!
We got there and had some time to prepare ourselves. The place looked gorgeous. A beautiful looking manor house/mansion.
We started our program with some dancing and it was so hard to get them to dance. But we had a little jam time out there and it was fun. We only had maybe 2 official games we planned with the kids because they were just so overwhelmed with the trampoline and the little castle they could jump on. Also they had a tattoo maker so that was popular as well. SO most of the time we just kept an eye on them and had a good time. I enjoyed it even though I worried that the parents will be disappointed that we didn't have a schedule/game plan for them.
A cool ending to the night was this awesome a cappella band who is very known in Estonia giving like a concert type of thing. Everyone enjoyed it.
And It turned out that the parents were pleased with us. THey were happy we enjoyed and the kids enjoyed the time and no one got a blue eye or something.
This party was my last time to spend some time with my precious little brother Rasmus.. I was so sad to leave that place and say goodbye to him.
What her mom told us as well was that she was VERY happy with what we did and she didn't mind that we couldn't keep the kids together all the time. At least they had fun and nothing bad happened.
WE were also blessed to be paid so generously. I know Kairi told me it helped her a lot to get closer to someone she needs to be. I am just so thankful and blessed I have to say this.

Fiew days later I SAW RAsmus on this first day of school when Tomi (my other lttle guy who I babysit for and his sister Bar) had his school ceremonial I saw him sitting there. I got to hug him later on and say a really nice goodbye to him. His mom told me that the guy who did the talking in the wedding and the program asked if we do this every day.. this kids stuff in the weddings and asked for my number so that in the future if someone needs people to work with kids in their wedding he could suggest us two!! I was so amazed .. Totally blown away and speechless. I felt truly blessed to even have this opportunity to be apart of Sirles wedding.
SO this was something I had to write down.
I am still so happpy and feel so special in a way to be asked to take care of kids I don't know .
Thank you God. Really.. without Him I would have not done any of this!!

 WE were tropical birds :))

Closeup from the make up we had.
And not to forget to mention our colorful contacts we got for this party :)) They added a lot to our looks

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Looking back

This summer is over pretty much. September is around the corner!
A little thoughts and things about this summer then.
I had hopes in going to TX
I met a cool person who became my really good friend
I found out I am not getting a VISA for USA
I was confused for a while about everything 
I wept and was sad for a long time, still get sad sometimes
I realized that something is wrong in my life, God has been left in the background
I did have lots of fun with an awesome team from Bryan
I got to visit new place: Haapsalu
Got an opportunity to take some classes starting in Autum
Possible new job in January
Have been babysitting more for Jones family and Israel family
I get to go to a wedding this Sunday and do kids program with my dear Kairi
I haven't figured out me and God, where we stand
Everything here sounds like me,me, me!! Well I thought today and this is not about me. I should be making God known but instead I am being just me and trying to make things work with my power and with my own will. I think it's not going to happen and even though I reallly miss TX and I am not sure when I get to go back, I have learned that if I try my best and do everything with my power then things are never going to work out right. God has to be the superhero and has to do all the power stuff, not me. I have to become weak and let God work in me and through me. So now with this new season of Autum I have to become weak and let God in. Really stop trying to be the boss. I am not a boss. I am a tool and in order to be useful I have to let the master use me. The Toolguy of toolguys.
AND when I get sad and start asking questions like why couldn't I go and why I have to be here and be still and why cant I already ride the Horse to the world and resque. 
Then I have to really stay still and remember. I am not going to resque anyone not me. GOD will do that through me and in order to let the world know about JEsus. I have to know JEsus. And I believe right now is my time to rise up again and lean on my God. Trust Him fully and not to question or doubt in Him. I should start getting to know the real him. The God who thought about Me when he created me and who made plans for the life when I wasn't even existing.
I want everything I do to be reflecting back on Him. Whenever people look at me they see Jesus, not me. I dont want to be in the middle of the attention. I know I do.. but I can't be that person anymore. I can't compare myself with others. I can't look back at people and discuss how they look in my mind. This me has to come to an end.

God please put an end to me. I want to be dead and I want you to come alive in me. Please God don't leave me aside. Please pick me up and use me. Make me usable. I want to know you so bad. And not just only for 6months I want to know you everyday until the end of my life. God I am tired of going up and down constantly. I want to improve in you. I know I will have bad days and I will be sad sometimes, but if possible make it to an end. I desire to be a Godly woman. I want to love you with all my heart, my mind, my soul and my body. God teach me how to be this person. I want to be shaped the way you really have thought I should be. MAke me new . Jesus be my best friend and remind me when I start looking for a best friend in this world. Only you can be THE best friend. Someone I really should look up to. Always. Help me Jesus.
I want to be on your team. ANd really say that I LOVE YOU. ANd feel it.Know it.Live it.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Christian t-shirts by JCLU Forever

  “Christian T shirts made by three girls who Love Jesus for girls who Love Jesus. Our shirts are designed to be tools for evangelism. JCLU T shirts have simple faith based statements while being fun and fashionable”.

I love this page. I am so happy that there are people out there who share the gospel in such a cool way. I hope this will be encouraging for others and maybe you will be able to get a T-shirt to yourself or to your friend as well!! I think it would make girls totally happy and you have a good selection of awesome T-shirts and some other stuff.

For me personally it was a big deal to buy a shirt with a strong message on it and show it to the world (by that I mean my hometown). But I love mine. It is so cute, comfy and has a meaning! Enjoy :)


This is what I bought and I just love it

Something I wanted to share with all of you today. We should have more of this.. like that pullover..and other stuff glorifing Jesus . Maybe someday here in Estonia we will have that kind of a cool store.. kinda like Scripture Haven .
For sure it was one of the coolest stores I visited in Texas. So one day we are able to have such a cool store in the middle of our town where people can witness Jesus in the middle of our normal shopping center where usually you would not see a Christian store!! My city needs to know more about JEsus.

Have a nice Sunday.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Year ago.

   This is my first post in english. I have no idea why I didnt do this earlier, but let's give it a try.

It's been two years since I used blogger. It feels so weird to start using this again but I have to start writing whats going on. I feel like this is a good way to express how I feel and what I am dealing with. I'm not a writer but I will be honest and hopefully everything will be from my heart.
Oh wow I have so many things I gotta tell you. everything that has happened with this last year in my life.
I will start from last summer because that time really did something to me. God really blessed me and suprised me.
So I finished school last summer and 6months before my school was over my papa ( some of you don't know but I have a grandfather  sent from God - a Big Blessing in my life) told me that he would like to invite me to the Sates after I graduate. Well this was a BIG news and something unexpected... totally. Well so he started talking about it more and told me how he want me to see FBC Bryan where he is from and also give me a chance to see my friends and just have an awesome summer in Texas. I really didn't have faith in all of this because this felt so unreal. I had been dreaming of this since I was young. I talked to Taivo about it, he is like my brother and we I told him about everything and we started talking.. We both actually have been dreaming about going to the States almost 6years.. Wow... So durind that time I was afraid if this will come true or not. But still deep down I was just so excited and flying up in the sky with all those emotions, feelings and more that I couln't even express with people. Only thing I could really show was hope that this will come true.
I was thankful for God even hearing about this opportunity . And I just shared my joy with the youth and really prayed about this a lot. Prayed that if God really has this planned for me then I would not step back.
      So months passed and it was getting closer to summer. I think during spring time me and Beth applied for ESTA that would let me enter USA up to 90 days. I was so nervous about all of this but so happy that Beth who is sooo organized with documents and important stuff helped me out on this one. We filled it out and I crossed my fingers that everything will be good now and I just have to wait for summer to come. By that time I already knew that I HAVE TICKETS not really in my hands but I had them. Ralph had them. SUmmer came and it was time to graduate. All those months I really didnt think about a lot.. mostly what it will be like over the ocean. I graduated and was proud of myself. My exams went well and I was just so excited.
   Like any other summer, Salem had youth camp coming up. Something really awesome we have. People from TX come to serve and share their 2 weeks with people mostly they don't know. There are some old fishes who come every year but half of the team always changes. This time everything was different-I knew that these are the people I'm going back with... FIRST time something like this happens I think.. Mostly we send them off with Big tears in our eyes.
Everything was about to change. After camp and all that fun we had with the team it was time to go... go to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!  I still remermber that night I had already said goodbye to my family and my dad had gave me his precious camera that I loved. I wasn't so good at taking pictures with it but I didn't care. So the night came and we went on a but. Ohh I forgot to tell you that Marko Aarna.. he was also one who got this present. Me and him we were SO ready to go. Everyone else was sad.. we weren't ... I remember how people said goodbye and shared some tears.. I felt like I was about to do something totally out of my mind.. So..... we were on the bus in the middle of the night it was like 3AM and we started our journey. All of that traveling... I was just SUPER excited all the time I couldn't even sleep normally. Even during all of that flying .. I just couldn't . We almost lost some of the team members in Germany because of some misunderstanding between some airport workers and the team members.. But everything went well and they got on a flight. People were nervous but I .. I think I was just totally... So hard to even put into words but people who have had their first looooooong flight to somewhere they have always wanted to go..they'll understand what I mean..I hope.

                                                                                   So my time in Texas!
                                                                                    Some lovely people had came to say Welcome with their cute balloons and Big smiles on their faces. SO sweet!!!
And When we got out of the airport we got this moist warmer then warm air waiting us with sign: Welcome to Texas!! Place where you have Sauna outside.                                                                

I saw the church. It is just huge. I've never seen church this big. All of this what I saw it just amazed me every time.  First Baptist Bryan is the name of this church. And yes Everything is Bigger in Texas. This dreamland.. Aggieland and all of those students. You can kinda compare it to Tartu. If there would be no students then it would be much more of a quiet city.
SO.. all the adventure. During my time awesome people from the church and also from different states thanks to this awesome camp I got to participate in . This month and a half I had felt like home. I got to meet German kids who came to visit Bryan as well. I made some good friends who I now miss. I had a fantastic time with my TX friends who shared their culture, food, places. Living with Papa was just wonderful and he made everything home to me. I love his truck.. I even got to see where he works and help out with stuff. I had the best time with him and during that trip I saw my love growing for my wonderful papa. Just the feeling to do the most basic things there.. like going to or going by church every morning just to get some ice and seeing Ronny Jones working early in the morning and talk to him a bit.. felt so right and so natural. I have to tell you about the old people I met. Ohh Wow!! They rock.. How awesome they are and how friendly and actually talking to you and asking about your life. I got to serve every week when they had Wednesday dinner. We were selling tickets and seeing them coming in and hearing them talk made me smile every single time. I just wish more of the youth would attend those events. Food is Delicious, people are nice and you get to have dinner with a Big family!!  Church people really made me smile.. they made me feel so loved. I am thankful to God for those people.
Everything was GOOD!! I got to spend a week in Mississippi camp. I think one of the coolest things I did while visiting USA. This is what really made me think about the future and what I would love to do but it is now up to God if He wants me to do.
 So trying to say shortly what happened in Mississippi: We went to this camp with FBC youth and this camp was for students from different states. I had the chance to choose what I would like to do for a mission field and I got kids. So every morning when we had camp morning time we went to our teams and got to study bible and share our thoughts and get to know each other. I had an awesome team and I had even two German kids who went to this camp with FBC Bryan. So we did biblestudy with them and we got prepared for the mission field. We went to our field for 3h every day. We got to organize different activities for kids in different age groups.. We actually were splid up into a smaller group about 4 people and we got our own age group.. ours was 10-12 years old. we had to prepare biblestudy, games, grafts, music and free time. Every team had the same biblestory so all the kids got the same story every day but in age groups. We had so much fun with those kids. I was responsible of music and I got to share estonian circle song called Kes aias. Song about bees basically getting to know the names song. Fun. During our free time we had a chance to talk to them and be around with them and maybe bond in a different level. It was amazing because we got to share Bible verses with them assuring them that God is Real. We prayed for our kids every morning and God really changed lives. One girl particularly. She was so against us being there and spending time. But we praied and I believe her heart was changed. She listened to our stories after that and asked questions and she really wanted to know more about Jesus and he Heavenly Father.
I made some special friends while I was with the kids and I got myself a little brother. So basically these kids who come there are from homes where parents have to work a lot and the kids are often playing outside and not always doing good stuff. This place for them to come and be in a safe environment and where people get to show lots of love. We had a rule not to pick up the children or hold them because of their rules and just for the safety of the kids and the people who work there. I wanted to hold them all the time. But it was possible to do that while sitting. So I got to hold one girl. SHe was a princess. Her attitude and everything.
  Anyways I tell you about this because this ment a lot to me. It was one of the best weeks ever. And it made me really feel like this is something I would love to do in the future. I had a connection with those kids and they have a piece of my heart.
To think about it now a year later it brings me tears and joy. I hope the best for them and I am so blessed to know them and pray for them and I will never forget those kids I met.
Even though not everything is awesome with God I still have joy in Him when I think about the people I met. Last summer was the best Summer I have had and I pray that if this desire I have is something I can do good with then I would know for sure. If this is what I am called to do.. care for the lost ones, give my time to kids who need someone to remind them God's love and help them to seek for Him and be friends with Jesus, then I will be more then Blessed to do so.
I thought I will teach them a lot but truly I learned more then I expected!!
This camp changed my heart!!!

But I did have tons of fun in TX and I got to spend time with people who have special needs. I got to see american roller coasters.. I got to see how money is made. I got to taste real good Bluebell icecream, frozen joghurt. Saw some awesome shops, selling everything you can basically dream of. A lot of worldy stuff but also one of my favourite places Scripture Haven. Store where you can buy what your soul really needs. Books about God!!!!   I enjoyed biblestudy with highschool students. I saw people searching His word and really wanting to be changed. I got to share stories and hear people stories. I was in a multicultural environment every day. I saw how people struggle with rassism even now, today in this nice town called Bryan. it made my heart sad especially after this amazing camp with colorful people. But I also got to enjoy the sun and the beach and people and God. I had an awesome time with God and awesome time learning. I did more then I would ever imagine myself doing there.

After I left TX I truly felt like half of me was left behind. What made it harder to leave was on that day, it was Sunday so I would have enjoyed last service more but my flight was leaving in the morning while church was taking place but something went wrong with getting the time right I was supposed to leave. So when Papa left me to catch my flight me already trying hard to keep my tears back I got to my gate and people around me were Asian.. I was suprised how many Asian people are flying to Germany but it turned out that those people went to China instead and I was told my I have 7h before my flight. 7Hours !!!! So I had to wait..and wait.. walk around and wait.. see people leaving and then again..wait. It made my leaving so hard.. I did cry.. whenever people didn't really see me.. But for first time flying alone and changing flights I did goood. I was so proud of myself. But whenever I was in Estonia and ready to land.. I wasn't ready to get off the plain. I was in  shock when arriving Tallinn Airport.. My cloud of sadness was all over me.. My dad was there waiting for me but I really didn't want to even hug him.. I just felt terrible.. I didn't want to talk to anyone for days. I even asked Beth to give me keys for her apartment because she was in Texas. SUmmer 2010, God showed me how He can work in people and through them. I was touched by different cultures and have now a bigger desire to go to different nations. I enjoyed my every moment there.

A LOT has been written down but I feel like there could be a lot more to say..It is just hard to put it into words and find the right words to describe what I felt and how God worked in me.
Let's say that I was filled with God's love and grace the entire time!
